
Anthony is a professional Reptilian trance channeler and contactee taking pride in sharing authentic interstellar, galactic and celestial intelligence to individuals with an open mind who desire higher forms of galactic wisdom and spiritual growth.

He is a proud and outspoken speaker on the subjects of extradimensional contact including Reptilian and Alpha Draconian consciousnesses, trance channeling and soul structure and he is greatly knowledgeable about the current involvement of off-planet ET & ED species with humanity. He is known for his integrity, directness, boldness, full transparency, and deep dives into some of the most unique interstellar fields and topics.

Since Oct 2020, Anthony has been well known as the authorized and official THETA TAURI Reptilian channeler and now, as of January 2024, Anthony has been directly selected to be an authorized and official KALASK Alpha Draconian channeler and representative within the Earth collective maintaining an official channeling contract voted by the council of KALASK.

Anthony’s aim is to build a strong and respectful rapport, and to bridge communication, between open-minded individuals and authorized members of KALASK. This is an extraordinarily proud and monumental co-creation for Anthony personally, and one which is strongly beneficial to the spiritual, mental and emotional growth of all humans on Earth.

Anthony’s mission is to provide authentic interstellar intelligence, actionable insights, and Alpha Draconian and Reptilian wisdom to help people surpass their limits and fears. He works to assist humans with limiting beliefs and illusions stemming from misinformation and disinformation from internet-based beliefs, standard belief systems, religious programming and social conditioning.

Anthony’s personal and deepest excitement is to communicate with the most reputable, highest ranking, and most recognized consciousnesses in the Galaxy regardless of their appearance, density levels, or energetic orientation and polarity.

These consciousnesses include Reptilian, Alpha Draconian, and Humanoid ones who reside in different realities, dimensions, and densities. Anthony proudly shares the profound information conveyed by KALASK to assist humans and inspire them to grow outwardly: mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

In addition, he wishes to inspire listeners to open their minds and hearts to this extraordinarily powerful galactic race for all humans to release their preconceived programming, conditioning and overcome their fears and resistances that are limiting them from reaching their highest potential and embracing both light and dark – perfecting duality.

In fact, one of the many agreed stipulations and terms of his official channeling and representation contract with KALASK, is that no channeled, telepathic and/or forwarded information is ever revised or edited, but to be publicly published in full and raw state of completeness for the maximum benefit to humanity and most accurate representation of KALASK’s perspectives and wisdom.

Anthony will not discuss ways to help you feel safe and comfortable in mediocrity and fear-based thinking. He will not co-sign on your fake ideas and incorrect information on galactic subjects. Anthony will discuss how to challenge human beliefs and limits while exploring dominant ways to infuse truth, empowerment, fearlessness, courageous decision-making, excitements, confidence, bravery, and pride into daily life along with thought-provoking segments of authentic galactic intelligence.

His knowledge is obtained from direct and uninterrupted telepathic and direct channeling communication and this knowledge includes a vast amount of deep galactic, interstellar and celestial Reptilian and Alpha Draconian subjects.

These topics and subjects include hidden human history, planetary conflicts and trading, hybridization programs and off-planet technologies, the functionality of portals and craft visitations, concepts of maximizing human potentials and dimensional limitations, the enabling of higher percentages of telepathy, integration and incorporation of ET & ED consciousness within a human system, the integration of lower and higher Soul layers into daily 3D life, the detection of astral avatar insertions and implants, exposure of non-existent Galactic Federations and efficient channeling methods free of any interferences.

Aside from trance channeling, Anthony will explore and follow his true excitement which he will focus on much more deeply: creating exclusive retreats, classes and seminars teaching the true facts of The Alpha Draconian Empire in the most direct, raw, truthful and in a very public way.

For Anthony, authentic trance and non-trance channeling is an extraordinarily rewarding avenue that ignites the powerful consciousness inside of him and allows him to push his human boundaries while uninstalling dimensional limitations, fears, and resistances. To him, authentic, uninterrupted, and continual channeling is a powerful tool that opens and connects all of the parts of himself and the different layers of his own lower fractal and higher fractal consciousness, oversoul, and galactic family for the benefit of an immensely powerful co-creation.

Anthony proudly offers 1-on-1 training and coaching such as How-To-Channel 3-week and 6-week courses, as well as educational presentations on Reptilian and Alpha Draconian consciousness, soul hierarchy breakdown and avoidance of Astral avatar insertions.

With the official channeling contract granted by KALASK in January 2024, Anthony will spend Q3 and Q4 of 2024 calibrating and perfecting his own telepathic connection to 6.9 Density, while actively bringing the authentic KALASK connection forward and working with their authorized members on a daily basis.  These beings have already begun rigorous practises, energy injections, and consciousness integration to achieve the maximum level of effective and efficient, yet interminable and uninterrupted connection.

Anthony is available for verified interviews and events within the spiritual and wellness industry including trade shows, retreats and podcasts.

Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed on up coming waiting list opening for private 1-on-1 sessions in Q1 of 2025.

For Anthony, his rigorous and difficult pathway to achieving a recognized, validated and approved status of partnership, official contract of channeling and bond of trust, both with KALASK and THETA TAURI, will be documented with pride, honor and precision as well with excitement to share his story in a book which will be released in Q4 of 2024.

This is Anthony’s first book, and he will include numerous unique Astral encounters and co-creations, path of becoming a Reptilian channeler, malevolent abductions and visitation to the Template Layer, visitation to a Reptilian craft and witnessing a Reptilian war conflict.

In addition, he will be disclosing his actual involvement with different groups from The Alpha Draconian Empire and their extremely strict, conscientious and demanding tests he was put through.  Furthermore, multiple channeled transmissions will be included by the KALASK members.

Would you like to learn more?

Connect with Anthony today!